
So I physically built a 1:10 scale Lemon Beach House (海の家れもん, Umi no ya Remon) from the anime Shinryaku! Ika Musume (侵略!イカ娘)

December 14, 2022

Ohio go say must! It uh… it has been a while (because I forgot my password) but here we are… an update after YEARS!

But yes, more than a decade ago, I modelled the Lemon Beach House in 3D and released it for free for everyone to enjoy while the anime is still airing.

Fast forward to today, I decided to actually 3D print it in 1:10 scale to enjoy it along with my new hobby Toy Photography. Sure, my photos suck compared to whats out there but I am happy with the results. Here are some select photos of it being carried, being assembled…

And assembled.

As for Visual Novels… I didn’t really stop though. I just repurposed Renpy into an interactive billboard and is very much actively using it even to this day but thats a story for another time. For now, I am happy that I can log in back. So yes, there now exist a 1:10 scale Lemon Beach House.


OHIO GO SAY MUST! It’s been a while but here I am again posting on my blog after I remembered my password to this wordpress site…

July 14, 2018

Anyway, as the title says, I Uncle Mugen once again forgot my password and only remembered it like… right now.. so uh… let’s get started on some updates on what I’ve been up to recently…

I’m currently working with Mikey ( @atpprojects ) on a secret project called “Aces of Rings”… it’s a VN running on the Renpy Engine… because it’s a VN. Long story short, it’s a uh… Wrestling VN with the protagonist being a… OK, let’s stop and admit that I merely skimmed the first chapter since I need to catch up on a lot of things after I lost internet connection in what seemed like… forever…


Right now I’m working on the foundation / base code including the GUI while mapping how to efficiently tackle each tasks that I’ll need to do and other nifty things like video and some fancy panning stuff to make it a little bit more than a typical “click next to continue” type of VN. You can view the protagonists room in GLORIOUS PANORAMIC 3D HERE.


Anyway, that’s all I can report for now. There’s actually more going on in the background but I still need to compose them properly before dumping them here in this blog.

“POOF” (Disappears)


Yikes! My Twitter account has been hacked and Twitter can’t and would not do anything to help… a cautionary tale why you should take security seriously as Twitter will never help you in any capacity…

August 12, 2017

Ohio Go Say Must!… It’s been a while my Tomodachi’s… As the title says… my Twitter account @oelvn was wrestled from my control and is now renamed as @maxyogugif (Hacked Account… proceed with Caution) (Edit: the account is constantly changing names to avoid detection. it’s now @jadwhi) (Edit: It’s back to @oelvn again) so I would strongly advise to unfollow this particular account as I no longer have control over it and very dangerous at this point for I cannot predict in what manner my “now” compromised account can be used. I am writing this as a cautionary tale why you should take security seriously so you too will not experience the same fate as I have as Twitter will never help you in any capacity nor do they have an obligation to help…

But let me tell my story how it begin… allow me to show you this screenshot of an email alerting me to some unusual activity (see image below)


As you can see in the screenshot, someone is attempting to log in to my twitter. I do not know how but I was very busy at that time so I paid very little attention to it… a decision which I would later regret.


A few moments later, I received a second email alerting me that the Email associated in my Twitter account has been edited to an email address I didn’t own. At this point, I dropped everything important I’ve been doing at that point and dedicated the next several hours trying to recover my beloved Twitter account (@oelvn)… this is where it gets tricky.


Typically, you can recover or regain control of your Twitter account via the associated email. Unfortunately, both the account name and the associated email has been changed so none of the usual tools are able to help me at this point… after several desperate tries which unfortunately wasn’t heard at all and at this point it would be safe to assume that my desperate calls for help on Twitter support fell on deaf ears. I even went as far as dig some old files and show some proof that I am the original holder of the Twitter @oelvn account and it is compromised and renamed to the point that I now have zero control over it and no way of warning my followers immediately about this potential hazard…

I actually googled a bit and it seems, the only secure way to make your account safe from being compromised is to associate it with your Telephone and your App… without those, not even Twitter can help or will bother to help you as I have experienced it myself first hand where I got stuck in an endless loop where the main goal is to make a user give up in despair and just make a new account while being showered with the very same generic message replies repeatedly. My belief was reinforced when I found out that there is no convenient way to get in touch with a real person from Twitter unless you are someone important… no Phone number, no Email… nothing…

At the end of the day, I have to swallow the bitter pill… I could continue pursuing this matter and recover my beloved @oelvn Twitter account and perhaps do something about this @maxyogugif (it’s now @jadwhi) (Edit: It’s back to @oelvn again) knowing very well that Twitter as a company will probably just toss my desperate pleas in the trash or I can simply move on, learn from this and start from scratch. I think the later is the more sensible choice as far as my options goes. So as much as I don’t want to install Twitter on my Phone, I have no choice for this is the surest way to prevent such thing from happening again.

Anyway, I am truly sorry to all my followers for this mess. I now made a new Twitter account @unclemugen so please follow this account from now on as this would serve as my current official Twitter account unless there is a slim chance that Twitter might help me recover my lost account. Also, please spread the word so I can minimize the potential damage that the “now compromised” former @oelvn twitter account now renamed as @maxyogugif (now @jadwhi) (Edit: It’s back to @oelvn again) might do…



ZOMG! I totally forgot I have a blogsite!… Again!!!

January 29, 2017

Long story short… I totally forgot and neglected that I have this WordPress Blog and left it sitting for more than a year without any posts or updates…

This time, let’s change that by going back to the basics like… why I made this blog and what would be it’s purpose… Well… it’s supposed to be a place where I post things related to my dive into OELVN Dev thing where I make Visual Novels… and that’s exactly what I’m going to do…

Sure, I don’t currently have anything to post here at the moment but that doesn’t mean I’ve gone static… Nope, many many things are happening in the background… like… after so many years, I now have a working code for the Imagemap Based quick menu for Renpy, something that I’ve been trying to figure out for years… this explains why my last two Works don’t have those options… so yes, now that I have a working example, I am now gonna include it in my future works…

That’s all for now…

“POOF” (Disappears)